
How to Check Your Tire Pressure

When you think of tire care, you probably think that it is a job best left to your mechanic. But where your tires are concerned there is one thing Advanced Automotive thinks it is important for every driver and car owner to know and it is how to check your tire pressure.

Why Is Tire Pressure Important?

Tires are important to the overall safety of any vehicle. You can do your part in keeping them safe by maintaining optimal tire pressure or psi. As a rule of thumb, a properly inflated tire is between 30-35 psi, but you can find the recommended psi for your vehicle on a sticker inside the driver’s side door.

If your tire pressure is too low, it will cause accelerated wear on your tire because it puts too much of the tire’s surface in contact with the road. If your psi is too high, it puts your tire at risk for a dangerous blowout.

What Tools Do You Need?

When it comes to checking your tire pressure, the only tool you need will fit right in your glove compartment. All you need to check your psi is a reliable tire pressure gauge. These are relatively inexpensive, between $5-$20 and can be found at any auto supply store.

Checking Your Tire Pressure

When you are ready to check your tire pressure, the general rule of thumb is to check it cold. This means that you should check it in the morning before you start driving for the day or at least three hours after driving. Checking it cold gives a more accurate psi reading.

To check your pressure, insert your pressure gauge into your tire’s valve stem. Reading your gauge will vary depending on the type you have. Digital gauges give a faster, clearer reading while the traditional pencil style will have a reading that pops up.

If your gauge’s reading is too high, you need to let the air out of your tire until it lowers to the proper psi by pressing the release on the valve stem. If your pressure is too low, use an air compressor or the machine at your local gas station to inflate your tire to the correct pressure.

If you notice that your tire consistently fails to maintain the optimal psi, it may be a sign of a leak or tire damage. Advanced Automotive can help. Come by and we will evaluate your tire for damage and determine if it can be repaired.


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