
Four Signs it’s Time to Replace Your Car’s Thermostat

You won’t need to worry about replacing your car’s thermostat until the vehicle is 10 years old or older generally. This is about how long a thermostat lasts. Once the thermostat goes bad, however, Advanced Automotive recommends you have it replaced as soon as possible to avoid the following problems. These problems are also an indication that your car’s thermostat is going bad. Unfortunately, if you continue to drive your automobile with the faulty thermostat, you run the risk of damaging the engine. Let’s talk more about this below.

1. Corroded Thermostat

The thermostat has the responsibility of releasing coolant into the engine when it needs it. Generally, your engine should never run hotter than 220 degrees Fahrenheit. The coolant ensures that the engine remains below this temperature. Visually inspecting the thermostat can tell you if it is having problems. For example, the thermostat uses a valve to release the engine coolant, and if this valve gets stuck, the thermostat will end up getting corroded by seeping engine coolant.

2. Coolant Leak

The thermostat can also spring a leak and you will end up with coolant on your garage floor. The coolant will continue to leak out of the thermostat until you replace it. The coolant spots will be underneath your engine toward the front. Depending on the color of coolant in your engine, the spots will either be yellow, green, orange, or red. You can determine the color of your engine coolant by checking the radiator overflow reservoir when the engine is cold. Never check engine coolant when the engine is hot.

3. Erratic Temperatures

Aside from leaking, the thermostat can also malfunction and be unable to determine the engine’s temperature accurately. When this happens, the thermostat will release the coolant into the engine sporadically. Consequently, you will notice that your engine keeps going from cold to hot and back to cold while you are driving. This signals a problem with the thermostat and its coolant release.

4. Overheating Engine

Finally, a malfunctioning thermostat will make your engine overheat. Whether this is due to a coolant leak or the fact that the thermostat isn’t releasing the coolant when the engine needs it, your engine will overheat quickly after you start it if the thermostat is not working as it should be. Driving your automobile with an overheated engine can damage the engine beyond repair.

Call Advanced Automotive in Stanwood, WA, today if you are experiencing any of the problems listed above. We will test your engine’s thermostat and replace it if necessary.

Photo by Manueltrinidad from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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